Lamar FFA
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Meeting Updates

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It is very important for FFA members to come to the Lamar Chapter's monthly meetings. Meetings are usually on the second Tuesday of every month. Check the calendar to find out the dates of our meetings this year. For those who are raising animals, you cannot be absent from more than 2 meetings to be able to show at the Lamar Auction. Sign up for the remind text system so that you don't miss any meetings.

Parent Meetings
Parents or guardians must also come to FFA meetings. Parent meetings will be led by teachers in separate room during the chapter meeting. It is very important that parents come to meetings to ensure that information is not misheard by students and that parents are on the same page as the teachers. Being in FFA is a big commitment, and students need the full support of their parents to be able to take advantage of everything the chapter has to offer. 

Student Meetings
Student meetings will be led by the chapter's officer team. Students are expected to be respectful and attentive throughout the meeting. Meetings are a way to get important information to students. It is encouraged to take notes or take pictures of the power point that will be used to show information.


2024 September Meeting Kaylin Krause 9/5/2024 2961 KB
2024 Livestock Meeting Kaylin Krause 9/11/2024 7129 KB



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